Welcome to Tass1Trees
Let your garden feed you all year
You don’t need a huge back yard to grow a few fruit trees and bushes; you can grow them in garden beds, pots, hanging baskets any where. Espalier plants along fences, walls or use them as dividers. Topiary fruit trees look great, with a pair of secateurs a little imagination you can create a beautiful looking garden. These days there are dwarf varieties that won’t get out of control, and look great in large pots, or my favourites, half wine barrels. Talk to your neighbour you might be able to plant varieties on your fence line and share the fruit Garden centres offer a limited range so for greater selection or for unusual varieties you may need to visit a specialist nursery.
When choosing which fruit tree to grow in your garden, there are a lot of factors to consider. How big will it grow? Does it require full sun or part shade? Is the soil well drained and rich in organic material? Will it grow in my area? We are quite lucky here in Perth we’re considered sub tropical, so we can grow almost anything. Most fruit trees are grafted, or cutting grown, they perform better and are true to form. How ever plants can also bet planted from seed. Multi grafted trees are becoming more and more popular, like a peach, nectarine, and apricot all together on one tree. Or early and late varieties together, the combinations are endless. Planting trees closer together will also down slow down their growth rate and enable more trees to be planted. Remembering to always allow room for pruning, fruit picking and spraying.
Herbs and vegetables can be grown all year round also, and need even less space. Imagine the joy of picking fresh produce for the evening meal, and knowing what chemicals if any were used.
Fruiting plants can offer some of the most spectacular flower displays and bouquets. From citrus, to peach, almond and cherry blossom and of course the spectacular flower of the dragon fruit truly a beautiful sight. Then there’s the education and joy children can experience planting and then watching things grow, knowing how all that food got to the plate and that they played there part.
Here’s A Thought ....
Go into the garden and count the number of plants you have, now swap all the plants in your garden both front and back for fruiting varieties. With careful consideration you can have something fruiting all year. So how much food could your garden be supplying you and your family.